
Posts Tagged ‘vegetables’

Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org:

I have heard I should avoid fruit juice since I have diabetes.  What about vegetable juices?  Can I have tomato juice and other vegetable juices?

Answer:  In general, fresh, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables are a better choice compared to drinking a juice beverage.  Vegetable juices do contain less carbohydrates than fruit juices, however also contain less fiber and more sodium.  Fruit juices will raise your blood sugar very quickly compared to a whole piece of fruit, and lack the fiber that whole fruit has.  Typically, a ‘choice’ or item in the list below has roughly 15 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 60 calories.

  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1/2 cup corn, peas or potatoes
  • 1/2 cup cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage)
  • 1 cup raw vegetables or salad greens
  • 1 small apple, banana or orange
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1/2 cup or 12 small cherries
  • 1/2 cup apple, orange,  tomato juice and other vegetable juices
  • 1/3 cup grape or prune juice

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Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org

I was just diagnosed with pre-diabetes.  The nurse told me to eat lots of vegetables.  Could you tell me what “lots of vegetables” means and what type of vegetables to consume?  Also, how should I prepare them?

Answer: Vegetables can be classified into two different categories – starchy and non starchy vegetables.  Starchy vegetables include corn, peas and potatoes.  A serving size for these vegetables is 1/2 cup and generally have 15 grams carbohydrate.  Non starchy vegetables are lower in carbohydrates and calories, and include broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery and spinach.  A serving size for these vegetables is 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw, and have 5 grams carbohydrate.  Aim to consume 3-5 servings of non starchy vegetables per day.

Prepare non-starchy vegetables by  steaming, grilling, sautéing or microwaving. If sautéing,  use a small amount of olive or canola oil to coat the pan.  Try experimenting with various seasoning to add flavor.

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Peas and Carrots

Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org

Is it ok to eat peas & carrots if you have diabetes?  I heard to avoid those two veggies.

Answer: Vegetables can be classified into two different categories – starchy and non starchy vegetables.  Starchy vegetables include corn, peas and potatoes.  A serving size for these vegetables is 1/2 cup and generally have 15 grams carbohydrate.  Non starchy vegetables include broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery and spinach.  A serving size for these vegetables is 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw, and have 5 grams carbohydrate.

Both types of vegetables can be included into your diet on a regular basis, however it is important to watch the portion size.

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Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org

I have pre-diabetes and am trying to lose weight.  How many servings of fruit and veggies should I have each day?

Answer: If you have pre-diabetes, you can and should do something about it. Studies from the American Diabetes Association have shown that a reduction in 5-10% of your body weight can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by up to 58% .  In addition, participating in some type of modest physical activity for 30 minutes daily can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers, strengthen your bones and muscles, and improve your mental health and mood.

In terms of fruit and veggie consumption, I would recommend a minimum of 5 servings daily.  An easy way to incorporate these is a fruit for breakfast, a fruit and veggie for lunch, and a fruit and veggie for supper.  Eating 5 of these each day will not only help you lose weight, but will also provide your body with essential nutrients it needs.  Below are some additional tips related to fruit and veggies in your diet:

  • Choose whole fruits rather than fruit juices.  Juices do not make us feel full, are full of calories, and rise blood sugars quickly.
  • Fresh or frozen are generally better. If  choosing canned fruits such as pineapple or peaches, look for ones in light syrup.  If choosing canned veggies, drain the water and rinse to remove excess sodium.
  • Limit starchy vegetables like peas, corn, and potatoes.  Choose non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, etc. These non-starchy veggies are lower in calories and carbohydrates, meaning your blood sugars will remain lower.  In addition, they are a rich source of fiber keeping you full longer.

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