
Posts Tagged ‘snack foods’

Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org

I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  During the day at work I eat very little, but in the evenings and weekends, I can’t seem to stay out of the kitchen.  Do you have any suggestions to control my snacking in the evenings and weekends?

Answer: Most people keep unhealthy snack foods on their shelves, which can be harmful to individuals with diabetes. If you find yourself snacking, the first step is to replace those chips, crackers, candy, cookies etc.  Choosing foods with less sugar will also help you manage your blood sugars.  Below are some suggestions equal to 1 carbohydrate source or 15g carbohydrate:

  • 1 medium piece of fresh fruit
  • 1/2 cup ice cream
  • 1 cup light yogurt
  • 1 sugar-free ice cream bar
  • 3 cups light microwave popcorn
  • 45 goldfish crackers
  • 15 pretzels
  • 6 saltines
  • 3 ginger snaps
  • 6 vanilla wafers
  • 1/2 cup trail mix
  • 1 Nature Valley granola bar
  • 3/4 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 piece of bread with 1 tbsp peanut butter

Snacks that would be considered ‘free’ with no carbohydrates include raw vegetables (except corn, peas, squash and potatoes), sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, coffee, tea, flavored water, and diet sodas.

I would also suggest eating regular meals throughout the day. Not only will this keep your blood sugars stable without highs and lows, but it will also give you energy.  Once you get home, you will feel less inclined to snack all evening.

Try drinking a glass of warm tea or sugar free hot cocoa in the evenings. Warm beverages give our stomachs a sense of fullness and these products will not significantly raise your blood sugars.  Not to mention, green and black tea are full of antioxidants that protect our hearts and arteries from damage.

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