
Posts Tagged ‘Sweet Potatoes’

Here is a question I recently received from FOODPICKER.org

I was recently diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes and I’m trying to follow a low fat diet.  I have a question I hope that you can answer.  Are sweet potatoes considered a vegetable and are they ok to eat in my diet?

Answer: There are two different types of vegetables – starchy and non starchy vegetables.  Sweet potatoes are a type of starchy vegetable and contain more carbohydrate compared to non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, carrots or cauliflower.  Typically, 1/2 cup of sweet potatoes equates to one carb choice or 15 grams carbohydrate.

Sweet potatoes are ok to eat in your diet as they are a good source of Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Potassium.  Like other carbohydrate sources, it is important to monitor your portion size.  Also, since you are trying to follow a low fat diet, try baking or steaming your vegetables and limiting the amount of excess fat you add.


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